Is it to to get your car organized? One of the first ways to start on the journey to organize and clean is to start with something that can be finished in a short amount of time. If your car could use a touch of decluttering, now is the time to get your car organized.
Quick and Easy Tips
Check out these quick and easy tips to start driving clean wheels!
Grab a plastic bag or a trash can and do the obvious – dump all the trash. Let’s see what is under your seats? Hopefully, not boxes of old chicken bones and remainders of the last couple of drive-through fast food moments – but if so, now is the time to take care of all the stuff hiding in forgotten places in your auto.
Seek And Find
What really needs to be in your car on a daily basis and for your safety?
- Can you find your instruction manual?
Do you have a spare tire and does it have the proper amount of air in it?
- Do you have loose items in your car?
If you have loose tools or even books and boxes, they can become flying missiles if you have to stop quickly. Secure any items that could become flying objects and be the cause of your next emergency visit to the hospital. Personally, I love this organizer since it is perfect for the person on the go, regardless of age. If you want one, you can buy it here.
I have used these with small children so they did not get back of my seats dirty with footprints. It is especially handy to hold your iPad or another type of tablet for child viewing. With a headset, you can avoid listening to continual cartoons while transporting children or grandchildren!
It is also good with business stuff since you can store a variety of items in the pockets and basic office items are out of reach.
Removing unnecessary items not only tidy up your car but you get rid of the additional weight that can affect your gas mileage and that is no minor consideration these days.
Keep It Organized
After you get your car organized, it is easier to keep it that way. These tips will help:
- Make sure you have a trash bag in your car. You can find stylish ones on Amazon, at your local Walmart or Target.
- Whenever you are on a trip or just driving through the fast food lane, make your next stop, a trash stop, too.
Whether going into the store or stopping for gas, do a quick scan of your vehicle. If there is trash, put it in the next trash can you see.
- When you get home, do a quick scan of what needs to go with you to the house.
- Use an organizer like this one to keep items corraled in the car.
- You can use trunk organizers as well. These are great when hauling groceries as well.
- Keep a container of Clorox wipes and Windex wipes in your car and when waiting in line at the drive-thru, wipe the dash, mirrors, etc.
These are quick ways to make a small change that will have big results.
Get your car clean and organized – start today.
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